Manga How About Some Ramen?, also known as "Nemnogo Ramena?" or "Ramen Ikaga!?" (1997), is a comedic and light-hearted story that revolves around a hungry protagonist who unexpectedly finds himself being forced into an arranged marriage with a prince from the planet Ramen Bowl. The story follows our main character, Yuki Tanaka, a young and carefree college student who loves eating ramen. One day, while strolling through the city, Yuki comes across a ramen shop that claims to have the best ramen in the world. Unable to resist the temptation, he decides to give it a try. However, as he takes his first bite, Yuki is suddenly transported to a different world known as Ramen Bowl. To his surprise, he discovers that Ramen Bowl is a planet entirely dedicated to ramen, where its inhabitants are ramen-mad and have a strong affinity for noodles. Yuki soon learns that he has been chosen as the potential future spouse for the prince of Ramen Bowl, Prince Norihiro, and is taken to the palace to fulfill this duty. Although initially shocked and resistant to the idea, Yuki finds himself caught up in a series of comedic misadventures as he tries to navigate the strange customs and traditions of this world. Throughout the manga, Yuki encounters various eccentric characters, including other potential suitors for Prince Norihiro, who are willing to do anything to win his heart. Yuki must also deal with the jealousy of the prince's most loyal subjects, who feel threatened by his presence. As the story progresses, Yuki's initial reluctance to the arranged marriage slowly transforms into curiosity and even a hint of affection towards Prince Norihiro. The prince, too, begins to see beyond the initial arrangement, discovering qualities in Yuki that he finds intriguing. The manga explores themes of love, acceptance, and cultural differences, all the while incorporating humor and lightheartedness. With its charming art style and amusing character interactions, "How About Some Ramen?" offers an entertaining and enjoyable read. Overall, "How About Some Ramen?" is a delightful manga that combines the love for food with a whimsical twist. It takes readers on a journey through a ramen-filled world with unexpected surprises and humorous moments. Whether you're a fan of romance or simply enjoy a good laugh, this manga is worth giving a try.
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